Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Crochet Uncut Fall/Winter 2013 Issue Released

I've spent the last week taking photos of the projects, finishing up the patterns and symbol charts, converting to PDFs, and adding project pages on Ravelry for the Fall/Winter 2013 issue of Crochet Uncut. The last two evenings after work have seen the most activity as I finished up but I think the effort was worth it and finally got it published a little while ago.

This issue includes five patterns, 10 book reviews, a yarn review of Blue Heron Yarns Rayon Metallic yarn (I adore this yarn!), and a review of Amazing fa-Brick Textile & Fabric Hardener. In addition, the Just-a-Bowl pattern includes a photo tutorial on using the Amazing fa-Brick product to turn the granny doily (or any other doily) into a bowl.

My favorite pattern, and one that took the majority of my time to make, is the Grandma Spiked My Ripple Blanket that takes a granny ripple blanket and adds a spike stitch to it. This makes a very dense pattern that is extremely warm because the usual spaces in a granny stitch are closed up with the spike stitch.

Grandma Spiked My Ripple Blanket

The remaining patterns are a striped beanie (I've already made a total of five of these), a headband crocheted around an elastic hairband, and a headband made to look like a bow.

Let There Be Stripes Beanie

Sunny Headband

Tied in Bows Headband


And here are the direct links to the patterns:
As usual, all patterns can be downloaded as PDFs and have links to their Ravelry pattern page. In addition, two of them contain symbol charts which can be downloaded separately. They've also been added (or soon will be) to the Pinterest board, Google+ group, and Facebook fan page.

Links to our Facebook fan page, Google+ page, Twitter, and Pinterest board can always be found on the left menu on Crochet Uncut.

Enjoy the patterns and reviews!